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About me

Hello there, and welcome to my page!

I'm Kate, a fitness and mindset coach. I have a background in sports and fitness, but what makes me really passionate about the work that I do, is the personal experience I have with fitness and exercise. I spent many years feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the contradictory information out there... It took me many years to make sense of it all, and figure out what really works for me. My qualifications and education paired with this personal insight is what enables me to help other create an enjoyable, sustainable and balanced lifestyle. One that works for them specifically. 

A few facts about me:

  • I have a BSc in Sports Coaching, Fitness & Rehabilitation

  • I am a Level 3 Personal trainer

  • I love travelling, I think it's the best self-development tool 

  • I am passionate about female health & well-being

  • I have completed 3 half-marathons and would love to run a full marathon in the next few years

  • I have a very holistic approach to wellness

My approach

As mentioned above, I do have a very holistic approach to fitness & well-being. I believe that we are complex human beings with physical, emotional and mental health to look after. I also think that the key to a sustainable and balanced lifestyle is balance. My aim with my coaching is to support everyone the right balance for them. 

The core of my teachings is based on the following:

Mindset: I think that the fundamental part of healthy living is mindset; understanding our why, our motivation to look after ourselves. 

Science: No-one can establish healthy habits without the right knowledge. I think that everyone should know and understand the basics of exercise and nutrition. 

Magic: everyone is different, there is no 'one size fits all' or magic formulas to health. Everyone gets to create their own magic in life. 

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