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Test your fitness & well-being knowledge today + access my FREE GUIDE!

Knowledge is power, and it certainly is when it comes to health and fitness. In today’s world where we are exposed to so much information on the internet and social media, it is pretty confusing to make sense of all the contradictory fitness and wellness advice that you may come across. This is why I created some free resources, to help you test your knowledge and get more clarity on fitness & well-being. Join my email list to test your knowledge and to get access to my FREE GUIDE about the 13 mistakes you might make when it comes to fitness to help you get you started on your own well-being journey! 

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13 mistakes you might make when it comes to fitness

This little collection includes all the common mistakes one can make when trying to become more active. I have made pretty much all of them at some point on my own journey and I put this explanatory PDF together to help you avoid them. 

I know that getting started on a fitness journey might seem overwhelming and disheartening. With my free resources I would like to help and support you on making the first moves. I do believe that you can achieve your goals and live the life you have always dreamt of.


When I started my own fitness journey I was lost and overwhelmed by the amount of information that circulated on the internet and social media. I found it difficult to create a balanced lifestyle that worked best for me. From exercising because I felt guilty for what I ate, to non-sustainable food trends, I have made all the mistakes. I have come a long way to create a balanced and enjoyable life. This experience helps me to guide others to do the same. I want to save the time, frustration and disappointment caused by another diet or unsuccessful training plan. My qualifications and education alongside my personal experience give me the perfect recipe to help and guide  those who want to live a full, healthy, nourishing and enjoyable life. 

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