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The Empowered Woman

Are you a busy woman, juggling many roles and never able to find the time/energy to take care of your health? 


Do you find that you often put everyone’s needs before yours, and you never seem to be able to find a second to put yourself first?


It can be REALLY hard as a woman to know where to start when it comes to your health and wellness. 


With all the pressure in the media to look a certain way, paired with all of the misleading trends online around different diets and workouts, it’s impossible to not feel overwhelmed. 


Women especially are known to be nurturing, which is great - but you can only support those around you if you support yourself first! 

That’s why we have come together as practitioners with different expertise, ranging from nutrition to fitness to identity & embodiment coaching, to help you make a start in putting yourself first and become the most vibrant version of yourself.


This is for you if:

  • You have always wanted to embody that “main character energy” in your life, but you always fall off track and feel disappointed that you weren’t able to achieve your health goals.

  • You want to feel vibrant and healthy, but need guidance from actual professionals instead of asking the internet for vague, generic answers 

  • You usually put everyone else in your life first, but you want to start prioritising your health and well-being so you can feel great while still having energy to look after the people you love around you.


This bundle includes 15 pre-recorded videos that you get lifetime access to. You can take the information you need and leave the rest - it’s up to you how you use and implement the material in this bundle! 

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